Another quality product brought to you by Datatex Dynamics

with 20+ years of experience in the telephone industry.


Recordings are encrypted at source (onsite where they are recorded) before being uploaded to our secure servers that are dedicated to store and backup your recordings.


Scalability and efficiency at its best. You can add as many supervisors as you need without paying a cent more.


Integration tools are available. Matching your recordings to local systems allow trends to be identified, links to be created to local cases or tickets and retrieval of recordings.


Call Recordings conform to the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions (ETC) Act No.25 of 2002 and can help any company comply with all current legislative requiremnets including FICA, FAIS, SOX, PCI, NCA and CPA etc.


Share recording via the cloud or email by means of a file or a temporary playback link with a full audit trail.


Our month-to-month billing contracts mean that iReCall reflects only as operational expenditure (OPEX).


iReCall is our cloud based solution and provides options for Call Recording, Telephone Management Services and Cloud archiving. iReCall Recording is based on our AMETHYST Call recording and Agent Quality Management suite. AMETHYST is an industrial strength call recorder used by many companies all over the world. You do not need AMETHYST to use iReCall. AMETHYST is however, used to manage the solution in the cloud giving you access to advanced features through our web interface.  Both provide the same functionality from a call recording perspective. iReCall benefits relate to typical cloud based advantages e.g. cost of ownership, replication, management, flexibility, etc.
If you already own AMETHYST, you can benefit from our Cloud archiving option (version 2 required). We continue to strive to provide existing clients with the best service and peace of mind and once again had this in mind with our cloud archiving option. Benefits include cost effective long term storage with seamless access to offsite back-ups through your Supervisor interface.
iReCall Telephone Management Service is once again based on our TNG Enterprise Server (TES) solution. Call data is captured from a single or multiple branches and uploaded to iReCall providing clients with a single company view. TES provides various reports to support your company in saving up to 30% in telephone costs. From simplicity of use and maintenance viewpoint you do not require any specific skills to use or manage TES. TES can be accessed by a number of people at the same time, from any computers on your network since it is web-based.
What makes iReCall Recording different to other recording software is that extensive emphasis has been placed on security, accessibility, compliancy, simplicity and affordability.
All recordings taking place are encrypted at source. Only iReCall software can decrypt recordings. These security measures ensure that the recordings are unusable in the wrong hands. Subject to supervisor permissions, decrypted recordings can be exported from the server either by saving them to the local computer or emailing them. Decrypted recordings are tagged with both an MD5 and SHA-256 checksum to comply with the ECT Act 25 of 2002. Decrypted recordings can be played by any standard PC media player and are in a standard Wave-GSM610 format. All the original recordings stay on iReCall for security and verification purposes. The advantages of MD5 and SHA-256 are that these methods are industry standards and verification with 3rd party software can easily be carried out remotely.
All access and management is done through the iReCall supervisor web interface. Supervisor access is customizable per supervisor, granting them access to only certain agents and with certain rights pertaining to their login. There is no need to install extra supervisor applications on remote computers.

We have made the configuration and usage of iReCall as easy as possible and are continuing to improve on it every day. It is easy to search, playback and share recordings.